I’ve written several blog posts about growing your email list, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Yes, the truth is, I’ve written a lot about email marketing and that’s because it’s important.
Can’t people just find your website and buy from you?
Without a strong reputation, like Amazon’s or Best Buy’s, people are not likely to feel comfortable buying from you if they don’t know who you are. But, after they receive emails from you, they get to know you. Then they are more likely to buy from you.
My confession
I have to confess that I haven’t done anything at all to grow my email list since the last post on the topic, when my list was was 106. That was back in December, 2011.
It’s now March, 2012 and my list is 153. Here’s the screen I get when I’m ready to send out an email newsletter to you.
How does that happen?
If you post regularly with useful information and send out regular newsletters, it happens mostly by itself. People find you by searching or by hearing about you from others.
The only other technique I use is to invite you to forward the newsletter to others. Here’s what I say at the top of each newsletter:
Are you one of the people who found out about the Change the World blog and newsletter this way? If so, please leave a comment–I’d really like to know. (It’s always good to know how people come to you.)
What is your email list like?
Are you having problems growing your email list? Leave a comment and I’ll respond with my best advice. Social entrepreneurs and solopreneurs need to connect with others, so email has to be an important part of your marketing plan!