I believe that you need to speak to get your message out to the world. Yes, you can write, but people get to know you better when you speak. And I’m a firm believer in speaking online because you can:
- Reach more people
- Save time and money
- Grow your subscriber list faster
- Easily partner with others who will promote you
But many people aren’t speaking. To find out why, I did a survey, asking people why they weren’t speaking. Some of the results were typical, but some surprised me!
When I asked, “Are you reaching enough people now?” almost everyone said, “No.”
Here are the results and my comments.
I hate hearing my voice
What? I’d never heard this before! I’ve heard, “I hate how I look” but not this. Here’s my take…
First, we hear our own voice differently from how others hear it because we’re hearing partially through resonance in our head. So record yourself and listen back. How’s your voice now?
Second, ask some friends what they think. Compare the recording to recordings of others speaking. I think you’ll probably find there’s nothing wrong with your voice.
This could be a cover for being afraid to speak. How your voice sounds to you is insignificant compared to the value you can give your audience. Think about your message, not how you sound.
More common is people feeling uncomfortable about how they look. Some people said, “I don’t want to be on camera.”
You can overcome this. Watch this interview with Pam Fitros, who has “Alopecia areata,” a disease that causes her to have no hair at all. You will come away inspired.
I don’t want the time and expense of traveling
Several people mentioned travel. Well, guess what? You can speak online! In fact, it’s easier to find places to speak online than in person. In my blog post, “Why authors may not be good at marketing,” I have a whole section on places to speak online.
Other reasons to not travel are:
- You have a family
- You live in a rural area (like me)
- You can have larger audiences online–I once had 3,000 registered for a series of presentations from 97 countries!
I don’t think I’m enough of an expert to speak
This is a common fear that holds people back from speaking. The truth is, you don’t need to be an expert in the traditional sense. Here’s what you do need:
- Some experience that others can benefit from
- An opinion or point of view that can help people
- A solution, such as a system or method, that can help people
You may not be invited to give a TED talk, but if you have something helpful to offer, don’t hold back. People need your knowledge and experience, your approach, and your solution! They may be waiting to hear just what you have to offer.
You simply need to provide something of value. What you have may be…
- A new way of organizing and systematizing public information; it doesn’t have to be completely new knowledge. (New knowledge is what PhD students are supposed to create–you don’t need to be a PhD!)
- A new way of looking at a situation that can help people transform their lives
- A method that helps people save time or money or improves their health or relationships or makes them happier or helps them enjoy life more…
Do you have something like that?
How can I promote my webinars or get interviewed?
Several people mentioned difficulty in getting an audience. One person said he/she didn’t have a list of followers. Another said, “Getting people to sign up online hasn’t worked yet.” A third said, “I’ve found it difficult to win paying opportunities.”
There are different models of speaking:
- Speak for free and promote a free offer to grow your list
- Speak for free and sell a product or service
- Speak for a fee
Speaking for a fee is probably the hardest because you need to submit proposals and compete with others. But speaking for free to grow your list and/or sell what you have to offer is pretty easy — especially if you do it online. There are speakers who have built 7-figure businesses around the model of “selling from the stage.”
Partnering with others is essential. You can’t reach enough people without help.
Again, look at my blog post about authors for suggestions. There are people desperate to find speakers!
I don’t know enough about creating a presentation
I’m here to help you with that! Whether through me or someone else, get some help! Sign up for Toastmasters–I found it very helpful and have my Competent Communicator badge.
Take my High-Persuasion Presentation Program course and learn about creating persuasive talks and slides.
Practice on your friends and family and then with small groups until you have an effective talk. Then promote yourself to larger groups and with partners.
How you’re getting out your message now
Here’s what people said:
“Two weekly talk shows” Yes, you can organize your own events and sometimes speak yourself and sometimes have guests. Be sure to use a method that will let you collect email addresses. Your guests will help you promote your show!
- Social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., including ads
- Writing a book
- Blogging
- Referral and word of mouth
- Video
One person wrote, “With difficulty.” Another person wrote, “I don’t.”
Are you reaching enough people now?
3% said yes, including the person with the 2 weekly talk shows. 97% said no.
Of course “enough people” is relative. But limiting yourself to social media, blogging, and writing a book probably won’t be enough to reach a wide audience.
But speaking will help you reach more people. I’m sure of that. I’ve spoken to thousands of people over the last 10 years and I’m not a “big” name. I’ve organized events, worked with partners, found people who have weekly shows, and so on. You can do this, too.
Learn how to give persuasive presentations
I have a free, recorded video that will start you in the right direction. At the end, I make an offer for my High-Persuasion Presentation Program. Will you take the time to watch the free video?
You need to register and then you can set up any time convenient for you to watch it.
Then leave a comment below and let me know what you think! And please use the Social Media sharing buttons to share this with others who also need to learn how to give persuasive presentations.
6 replies to "Why aren’t you speaking? (Survey results)"
I used to do public speaking a lot when I was in school. But through the years, that has lessened. This post makes me realize my reason for speaking less and less and I’ll try to do something about it.
I can relate to not being an expert… and it’s good to know that I don’t have to be one to speak up. Thanks!
I now understand more why I am not speaking even if I know that I should. Thank you for the insights. I’ll work on it.
I did speak a little before but it did not give me the results I need. I should probably keep working on it instead of quitting cold turkey.
You got those excuses right coz they’re my excuses too. Lol! I think I have to read your post a few more times to get over my fear of speaking. Excellent article!
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