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You can install plugins to help grow your list. Here you can see my AutoCAD Tips Newsletter subscriber list, growing over time to 7,000.

Do you see the slight increases in the pace of growth where the arrows are? I think these are due to 2 plugins that I installed.


I’ve already discussed one, Comment Reply Notification, here and explained how it turns your blog into a discussion forum. For that plugin, while I definitely noticed an increase in subscribers, I was especially pleased to see a significant increase in comments. As people are notified when there’s a reply to their comment, they come back to reply to the reply.

Add text at the bottom of every blog post

But before that, I installed another plugin called Bottom of Every Post. It simply lets you put some text at the bottom of every post.

On my AutoCAD Tips Blog, I invite readers to sign up for my newsletters. Here’s what it looks like.


In the above figure, I’m showing the last few lines of the blog post, the text from the plugin, and another plugin that lists popular posts. (It’s called nrelate Most Popular.)

After you install Bottom of Every Post, click Plugins from your Dashboard menu, and then click Edit next to the plugin’s listing to access the settings. Finally, click bottom-of-every-post/bottom_of_every_post.txt at the right and add your text. You can add formatting using HTML styles and coding. (Click bottom-of-every-post/readme.txt for full installation instructions.)

Don’t let this scare you, but this is what my file looks like. It just sets the font size, makes it bold, and links to my sign-up page.

<div style=”font-size:16px;”><b>Did you find this post useful? <br><a href=””>Sign up to get the AutoCAD Tips Newsletter so you won’t miss any new tips!<a></b></div><br>

My blogs get a lot of organic search traffic from people who are not on my subscriber list, so I find this text to be helpful.

At the bottom of my blog posts on this blog, you’ll see a list of related posts. The reason for that is to encourage you, the reader, to continue to find more information on my blog. That plugin is called Yet Another Related Posts Plugin. Have you used it to find more helpful information on my blog?

What could you say at the bottom of every post that would help people to either subscribe or purchase your products?

Do you use any plugins that you have found to be helpful?

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