Authors! The Quick Book to Business Method
I once read that 80% of Americans would like to write a book. But for those that complete that goal, the results are often not what they hoped. John Kremer, one of the top experts on marketing books and author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, says, “The average writer in my experience probably makes less than $100 a year in ebook sales.” And even at $1 per book, that’s only 100 books! He also says you should write lots of books.
Yes, with a lot of promotion, you can do better, but to make serious money, you need to turn your book into a business. Each book you write can become a new stream of income.
How do you do that? By making a free offer in the book and creating a funnel of offers so that readers turn into customers for your products and services.
I’ve co-written a book with Connie Ragen Green, a wildly successful online entrepreneur and author, that we named Authors! The Quick Book to Business Method: Turning Your Book into an Ongoing Revenue Stream.
In this book we explain: Read More