How to increase sales and engagement with powerful persuasive slides


online-business-use-images-1.jpgWhether you’re giving a live presentation or a webinar — or creating a video — you’ll often use slides. And the slides that you show to people matter!

You can choose to create boring slides or instead create powerful, persuasive ones. Which will you choose?

The power of images

Over 40 years of research has shown that images trump text. Images

  • Help people remember more
  • Help people understand batter
  • Are more persuasive

You see how professional marketers use images on commercials, on billboards and in magazine ads.

Use the Tell ‘n’ ShowSM technique

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Comparing webinar services-Google Hangouts on Air, GoToWebinar, and Zoom-and why I chose Zoom


online-business-zoom-google-hoa-gotowebinar-1I’ve switched to Zoom! I’ve used GoToWebinar for many years but a friend (thanks, Sheila Finkelstein!) introduced me to Zoom. I tested it for several months and last week I took the plunge — I cancelled my GoToWebinar/Meeting account.


  • I was looking for ways to engage more with my audience. That meant more webcam/video
  • I wanted to reduce my cost (I was paying $99/month for GoToWebinar)
  • I wanted to be able to record the webcam portion of a webinar (GoToWebinar doesn’t)

I also considered Google+ Hangouts on Air along with Webinarjam, which is software that enhances Hangouts on Air to broadcasts give them more webinar-like features. Here’s my story of my experience with comparing webinar services–Google+ Hangouts on Air, GoToWebinar (including GoToMeeting), and Zoom.

Why I decided against Google+ Hangouts on Air (HOA)

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by Ellen Finkelstein

How to repurpose a webinar into an e-book — and why


online-business-convert-webinar-ebook-1You can multiply how much you earn on any given product by turning it into a different type of product. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Some people prefer to read and others prefer to watch
  • Some people learn on the go in short bites; others like to sit down and take it all in at once
  • People have different price points that they’re willing to pay

You can’t accommodate everyone with any one type of product. For example, a video may not work for everyone.

That’s why you should repurpose your products

You can’t repurpose every product, but here are some ideas: Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

Change the world by creating global events


online-business-global-events-2Do you want to change the world? Make it a better place?

You can do that one person at a time, locally. Or you can think big!

One way to think big is to hold global events. Of course, you can’t force people from other countries to attend but there are a few things you can do to make it easier for people to attend from around the world.

Global events are amazingly powerful! I once did a webinar that had people from 97 countries registered!

Here are a few techniques you can use for global events. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

Grow Your Online Business: Day 26 (Ultimate Blog Challenge) Why webinars are key to greater income


hoa-screenshot572x368Not too long ago, a marketer I know sent out an email saying that 90% of his income came through webinars. This isn’t unusual.

You need to learn how to do webinars. They attract a lot more people than teleseminars, blog posts, or sales pages.

You can use webinars for:

  • Delivering a course
  • Pitching a product
  • Creating self-study course
  • Providing group coaching
  • Answering questions

What else can you think of?

Whenever you want to reach many people, think of giving a webinar.

Here are the components of a webinar:

  • Good marketing. You need to send out several emails, use social media, and if possible get affiliates or partners to do the same.
  • A script. Write your script in advance. Treat it just like any marketing copy.
  • Webinar software. I use GoToWebinar. Some people use Google+ Hangouts on Air.
  • Slides. Most people use PowerPoint. Be sure to make the slides visual and lively. People don’t want to hear you reading slides.
  • Video (optional). Recently, live video has become available but it still isn’t commonly used.
  • Recording. You must record the webinar, because not everyone can attend.
  • Follow-up. The next day, send out an email with the link to the recording and continue to market the recording.

Your first webinar will be a little daunting, but after a while, you’ll get used to the process. It’s a little strange to be talking to people you can’t see, especially if you’re used to doing presentations with a live audience in the room. Use the interactive features of webinars — polls, chat, etc. — to engage the audience.

What has your experience been with webinars? Leave a comment!

by Ellen Finkelstein