10 techniques to create independence in your online business


If you’re working too hard, you can use one or more of these techniques to get more done in less time and give yourself more freedom!

1. Automating emails and funnels

When people sign up for your freebie, they should get a series of automated emails, appropriately called autoresponders. You set these up in advance in your email service provider’s software and these emails should tell people who you are and what you do, help them get value from the freebie, and make a first offer to buy something. That offer should also be on the thank you page after people complete the opt-in form and in the freebie itself. That’s the process of automating your first sales. The funnel is freebie > offer. That offer is often a low-priced one, to get people “in the door.”

Similarly, when people buy something of yours, there should be a next step.

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Using the 3 types of content


online-business-3-types of content-1Work smart, not hard.

You probably spend a lot of time writing — blog posts, social media posts, sales pages, products, scripts, emails, etc. In fact, most online business owners spend a LOT of time writing.

I don’t think that new online business owners realize how much writing they have to do.

And at the bottom of this post is an example, showing that I practice what I preach!

Find a way to reuse everything Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

Taming the ContentBeastie™–How do you keep up?


online-business-repurposing-contentToday’s guest post is from MamaRed Knight, whom I met online in a LinkedIn group. Since then, we’ve connected both via phone and email. She helps business owners get their Voices Heard, Messages Shared and the World Transformed by de-mystifying the behind-the-scenes stuff like streamlining processes, dealing with technology and creating ways for them to focus on what they love and do best. She takes all the stuff learned as a business strategist and consultant to big companies and makes it do-able for small business owners. Join her online at www.mamaredknight.com and grab a spot on her calendar for her practical, no-nonsense “here’s what to do next” approach to building your business! To get a copy of her new ebook, 21 Ways to Repurpose…on Purpose™, send an email mamaredknight@gmail.com!

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Once you are in business, regardless of what title or by what name, you’re in the “content business,” whether you planned to be or not!


Because content…whether as text, audio, images or video…is needed everywhere.

Whether it is for one of the seemingly-unending social media sites, your own website or blog, or your clients. Or maybe it is a course you’re teaching. An information product that shares what you know with the world.

It’s all content and the ever-ravenous ContentBeastie wants more and more and MORE content, 24/7.

It all begs the question…

WHY do you need content anyway?

And the reason is, I’m assuming (yeah, dangerous, I know) that you want to: Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein