10 techniques to create independence in your online business


If you’re working too hard, you can use one or more of these techniques to get more done in less time and give yourself more freedom!

1. Automating emails and funnels

When people sign up for your freebie, they should get a series of automated emails, appropriately called autoresponders. You set these up in advance in your email service provider’s software and these emails should tell people who you are and what you do, help them get value from the freebie, and make a first offer to buy something. That offer should also be on the thank you page after people complete the opt-in form and in the freebie itself. That’s the process of automating your first sales. The funnel is freebie > offer. That offer is often a low-priced one, to get people “in the door.”

Similarly, when people buy something of yours, there should be a next step.

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Interview with Nicole Dean-Avoiding Content Creation Overwhelm


Nicole DeanNicole Dean is the co-owner of Coach Glue, along with Melissa Ingold. They develop and create done-for-you content, tools, forms, and training to help business coaches to make more money, run their businesses smoothly, and still have time to live the lifestyle they dream of. Another expression for “done-for-you” is Private Label Rights, meaning that when you buy the content, you can (and should) edit it, call it your own, and do almost anything with it — give it away as a freebie, sell it as a course, use it as part of a membership program, and so on.

In this 18-minute interview, Nicole talks about how she helps coaches avoid the overwhelm of creating enough content both for their clients and for marketing. Below the video, you can read a summary of what Nicole says and also get the links to her two great free offers:

  • A collection of 17 forms to use when onboarding a client
  • A free coaching program called “7 Ways to Add More Subscribers to Your List this Month”

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Should you buy PLR (private label rights) products?


online-business-should-you-use-plrI’m continuing to respond to those of you who completed my survey a few months ago. I received this question…

“I don’t actually have an online business yet. I was thinking of private label products or the like. What do you think?”

What is PLR and why would you want to use it?

PLR is pre-written content that you buy and can then use pretty much any way you want. It comes with a license that gives you the right to edit it, publish it, create products from it, reformat it, put your name on it, etc. Most PLR does have some restrictions and you should read the license. For example, you can’t sell it as PLR.

Of course, PLR comes in a variety of niches and some PLR sellers specialize in one niche or the other. In my experience, most provide a variety of niches, such as Internet marketing, health, and relationships.

Most PLR comes in some sort of text format, but it is sometimes packaged with PowerPoint slides, images, and even opt-in pages.

People buy PLR when they feel they can’t — or don’t have the time to — create their own content. Basically, PLR is a timesaver.

What can you do with PLR?

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by Ellen Finkelstein