Are you ready to partner with other entrepreneurs?


online-business-are-you-ready-to-partner-1Your business will grow faster when you partner with others, but are you ready?

In the past 3-4 months, I’ve spoken with 5 or 6 people who agreed to a conversation with me about partnering. Sometimes they took the initiative; sometimes I did. But there was an agreement that we would talk about partnering.

But when we spoke, it became clear that they weren’t all ready to partner, so we had to put off working together. That was frustrating for me. Here’s what you need to have in place before you can partner with others: Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

Is guest blogging dead? What Google said and what you need to know


On January 20, 2014, Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam team, wrote a blog post that has upset bloggers everywhere. He named it (after a revision) “The decay and fall of guest blogging for SEO.”

Why is this important to you?online-business-guest-blog-posting-1

I’ve written several times about the importance of partnering to extend your reach. Guest blogging is one of the best ways to start partnering. It doesn’t require any technological expertise and you don’t even need a newsletter.

When you partner, typically the favor ia returned so both partners gain from the relationship.

The value of guest blogging

When you write a post for another blogger, that blogger’s readers see your post and may come to your blog and sign up for your newsletter, buy your products or services, or just become a regular reader. You gain exposure to other readers and potential customers.

How it went wrong

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by Ellen Finkelstein