There’s a theory that you should offer value (pure content) in 3 out of 4 emails and only then make an offer. The idea is that you give, give, give, and only then do you ask.
I’m totally against this theory!
It sets up a false contrast between offers and content, as if offers can’t be valuable. But actually, the word “offer” means you’re giving something.
And when you set pure content as separate from your offers, subscribers learn to read your “value” emails and tune out your offers.
John Ainsworth helps you increase your income by using a more effective offer strategy — using bumps, upsells, and regular offers to your subscribers. For some clients, he can work magic, even doubling their income.
If you have great products or courses and a good list, but aren’t making the sales you hoped, listen to his advice in this interview!
After the video is a condensed text version of his answers.
How do you get more people to subscribe to your list? Because building your list is important for your online business!
According to a Hubspot marketing benchmarks report, companies see a 55% increase in leads by increasing landing pages from 10 to 15. The more content, offers, and landing pages you create, more opportunities to generate more leads for your business.
But I only have one, you say.
You and almost everyone else. Most people have just one free download. But there might be people who aren’t interested in that one and would like something else. Couldn’t you get more people interested with more offers? Wouldn’t that increase subscriptions to your email list?
But how do I do that?
(c) Sheila Finkelstein
To create an offer, you need to create a web form that subscribes people to a list. To add a second offer, you need 2 things:
A second free download
A second web form
It sounds simple, right?
Well, it depends. Because you get your web forms from your email provider, you need a provider that allows you to offer multiple web forms. Remember, to offer a second download, the web form has to accomplish one or both of these actions (compared to your first web form):
Bring people to a different web page that has the link to the download
Send people a different email with the link to the download
Some of the most popular email providers either don’t let you do this or charge extra. (That’s one reason why I like MadMimi and AWeber so much — my current email services. Note: The link is an affiliate link.)
But as long as you have an email provider that lets you create multiple web forms, it’s as easy as setting up the first one.
Do you have multiple offers, each with their own landing page and form? Does your email service even let you do that? Do you think you might get more subscribers if you could offer a variety of free downloads? Leave a comment!