Your newsletter should be quick and easy


Young Woman Sitting in Front of a Computer and LaughingRecently a colleague mentioned that she had stopped sending out a regular newsletter because each one took such a long time to put together. When she sent out newsletters in the past, she got fantastic open rates.

I had a client who had a similar problem–the newsletter took so much time that she rarely sent one out.

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Your newsletter shouldn’t be a big project!

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Grow Your Online Business: Day 14 (Ultimate Blog Challenge) How to create a newsletter that brings value to you and your subscribers


To keep people on your list — and attract new people — you need a newsletter that contains valuable information. But there are also technical issues like design and layout.

Here are some resources to help you create a newsletter that grows and grows.

online-business-lists-create-a-newsletter-1Design your visual layout and content structure

Your visual layout makes your newsletter easy to read, but your content structure helps create avid followers who want to read your newsletter every time it comes out.

Here are some comments I’ve received about one of my newsletters:

I don’t always have time to read your newsletters, but I save them for when life isn’t so crazy. I always find something I can use!” – Nancy Ellefson, Educational Specialist, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

How to create a successful newsletter: Part 3-Use your newsletter to sell


internet-marketing-successful-newsletter-sell-part3-1In the previous 2 posts in this series on successful newsletters, I talked about how to design your visual layout and content structure and how to set up an email list.

In the end, the goal of your business is to earn money. Yes, you want to change the world and make it a better place, but you need to earn money while you do that.

So eventually, you need to use your newsletter to sell. In fact, you’ll probably find that your newsletter is the best way to sell your products and services.

Here are 5 ways to use your newsletter to sell.

Include a promotion in each newsletter

If you do nothing but sell in your newsletter, people will soon unsubscribe. This is why you need a regular newsletter with valuable information in it. Week after week, people will learn from you and come to see you as an expert.

But you can include a promotion in your newsletters — usually at the end or in the right-hand column. It could be a product of the month or just a random choice from among your products.

It will help a LOT if you offer a discount code for, let’s say, 15% or 20% off. Sometimes, you could offer a bigger discount, such as for a product that you are phasing out.

I do this in my PowerPoint Tips Newsletter and it brings me a regular income. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

How to create a successful newsletter: Part 2-Design your visual layout and content structure


This is Part 2 of a series on newsletters. See Part 1 on the first step, which is to set up a list.

In this part, I show you how to format your newsletter’s design and how to structure the content.

Design your newsletterinternet-marketing-successful-newsletter-design-visual-and-content-part2-1

All email services provide templates that you can use to design your newsletter. You’ll be able to choose the number of columns and perhaps some visual elements.

The number 1 principle is to keep your layout simple. Here you see my newsletter.

How many columns?

In my opinion, 3 columns will result in your subscribers feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to put their attention. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

How to create a successful newsletter: Part 1-Set up a list


Have you read my free download “Your Master Plan for Creating an Internet Business?” (If not, use this link to get it.) Step 6 is “Set up an email service and web form.”

In this post, I explain how to set up your email service and create a webform so you can subscribe visitors to your website. If you have already done this, you’ll find next week’s post more applicable to you, but scroll down here to see if you’re using autoresponders to your best advantage.

If you haven’t set up a list, webform and free download, you should take care of this now! It’s an essential part of creating a successful online business.

I’ll be covering the topic of how to create a successful newsletter in 4 parts:

  1. Part 1: Set up a list
  2. Part 2: Design your visual layout and content structure
  3. Part 3: Use your newsletter to sell
  4. Part 4: 3 BIG mistakes to avoid

internet-marketing-successful-newsletter-set-up-list-part1-1Can’t you just have a website?

Yes, sometimes people just see your website and immediately purchase a product or service. But that’s rare unless they’ve gotten a great recommendation from one of your existing customers or they’ve read about you in an article. Most Internet marketers say that email is the way they make most of their sales.
Usually, you’ll use email to make an offer to the people who are subscribed to your list and that’s how you’ll make most of your money. So, having an email list is very important.

How do you get people to read your emails?

Some Internet marketers just send out marketing emails and get away with it, but this strategy doesn’t work for most people.

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by Ellen Finkelstein