How to use Chat GPT to write email copy


Chat GPT from Chat AI has taken the world by storm. You can use it for many purposes, but in this blog post, I want to talk about how to use it for writing emails.

Chat GPT can help you write more compelling and effective emails, by suggesting subject lines, introductory stories or paragraphs, and calls-to-action.

For promotional emails, it can help you write an entire email.

I recommend always editing and personalizing what Chat GPT writes by adding your own stories and e experience. While you can get great ideas for content, its writing is rather bland.

Some ideas that Chat GPT suggested

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Interview with Bob Burg: Using a predictable marketing system


Bob Burg headshotBob Burg shares how a subtle shift in focus is not only a more uplifting and fulfilling way of conducting business but the most financially profitable way, as well. For 30 years he’s helped companies, sales leaders, and their teams to more effectively communicate their value, sell at higher prices with less resistance, and grow their businesses based on Endless Referrals.

In this interview, we discuss why many experts have trouble with sales and what to do about it.

You can read a summary of the interview below this video. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

Succeeding with consistency in marketing: An interview with Kae Wagner


kae-wagner-photoKae Wagner is a marketing and branding expert, with 20 years of experience in the offline and corporate world as well as the online world. She now works mostly with consultants, coaches, and entrepreneurs.

Kae helps her clients succeed by creating consistency in marketing. She a coach but also conducts amazing workshops in which attendees go away with documents specific to them so they can easily implement their goals. She has built a community of entrepreneurs who partner together to grow their businesses.

Watch the interview here. It’s about 12 minutes long. Below the video is a text summary.

And Kae has two free offers for you, so don’t forget to check them out at the end! Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

The difference between your goal and your mission


online-busniess-difference-mission-goal-1During a year-end planning session, I asked a group of online entrepreneurs what their goal was for the coming year. Some of the comments were:

“I want to reach women and help them gain self-confidence”

“I want to help people eat better so they can lose weight without dieting.”

These are not goals; they’re missions.

A goal is more specific.

A basketball team’s mission is to win the championship. They have smaller missions to win individual games. But they do that by getting balls in the basket — that’s the goal, literally.

In most cases, our goals aren’t as literal but we do need to know what they are.

Start with your mission

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Trends for online marketing in 2017 and beyond


How are you going to compete with all the marketing noise out there?

As I’m sure you know, the Internet is a busy place. Think about all the social media notifications you get, for example. What makes one stand out over the others?

And then think about how you can be the one that people remember! Be the turquoise when everyone else is gray!

Have you ever signed up for a free online report, gotten on someone’s email list as a result, but when you starting getting emails, you had no idea who they were from? That happens to me quite a lot and I end up unsubscribing.

How can you be memorable?

I have a coaching client who teaches mortgage loan officers how to be memorable so they can get more leads and close more mortgage loans. She creates quirky images that are very memorable. And her techniques are designed to keep her customers “top of mind.”

Here are some trends for online marketing that will help you be memorable, leading to more engagement and more sales.

1. Engage regularly

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by Ellen Finkelstein