JV partnerships not working? Here’s what you need to do instead: Interview with Danny Bermant


Danny Bermant helps established coaches and consultants attract their ideal clients through joint venture partnerships. In the last 3 years alone, he has worked with over 400 JV partners and supported numerous launches, summits, giveaways, webinars and other joint ventures, both for his clients, and for other partners, that have generated millions of dollars in revenue.

Danny’s passion is people and the nurturing of professional relationships. His friends refer to him as “Captain JV” – he is a prolific networker. He has worked with some of the biggest names in marketing and in the process built a sizable network of over 4,000 contacts across every major industry. Nothing gives him more pleasure than enabling both businesses and non-profit organizations to forge new and fruitful partnerships.

In this interview, Danny explained how you can get better results from partnering with others, even if you’ve had bad experience with partnering in the past. He provided some detailed techniques to create lasting, powerful relationships with other like-minded entrepreneurs. Below it, you can read a summary of his answers to my questions.

Who do you serve and who are your clients?

I serve established coaches and consultants. They have a list and an offer, but they are looking for a better way to bring clients on board. The people I work with are collaborative rather than competitive. They are not predatorial types of people; they’re people who like working with others. Naturally, they prefer a more inclusive partnership with other businesses. They have a preference for this rather than having to really go out and pitch and hustle. They like having a situation where they are working with like-minded businesses who refer clients to them or promote them, which means they have people coming into their orbit who are warm and pre-sold.

What is their problem, their need, and what are the symptoms of that problem?  

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Want to grow your list? Here’s why you might be doing it all wrong


Or, how I added 301 people to my list last week.online-business-growing-your-list-wrong-1

I just did a survey of my subscribers.

(If you didn’t take it, please do so here and then come back, because it’s a way for me to know what’s important to you. And you can ask questions and I might answer them in a blog post. I’ve already done that twice.)

In the survey I ask what’s important to you. Here are some of the results so far:

  • Grow my subscriber & social media lists: 70% say this is Very Important, the highest percentage of any of the options
  • Learn how to hold events (such as webinars): 46% say this is Very Important
  • Learn how to partner with others: 28% say this is Very Important,, the lowest percentage of any of the options

What’s wrong here?

What’s wrong is that events and partnerships are the best way to grow your list. So if you think that growing your list is important, then you should think that events and partnerships are just as important.

And if you don’t, that’s probably why you’re probably trying to do it all wrong.

It’s possible that the people who think list building is so important already know how to hold events and partner with others, my guess is that they just don’t realize how important those activities are.

How I added 301 people to my list last week

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Are you ready to partner with other entrepreneurs?


online-business-are-you-ready-to-partner-1Your business will grow faster when you partner with others, but are you ready?

In the past 3-4 months, I’ve spoken with 5 or 6 people who agreed to a conversation with me about partnering. Sometimes they took the initiative; sometimes I did. But there was an agreement that we would talk about partnering.

But when we spoke, it became clear that they weren’t all ready to partner, so we had to put off working together. That was frustrating for me. Here’s what you need to have in place before you can partner with others: Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

The secret to Internet success: Partnerships and events


online-business-events-partnerships-1Is your email list stuck at under 100 people? Or just not growing?

Is your website traffic hovering at low levels?

Most importantly, are your profits less then you want — and need?

Two key techniques for success are partnerships and events. (Who could eat all of that ice cream alone?)

But setting up partnerships and events can be complex. Recently, a coaching client of mine thought she would have to spend several hundred dollars on custom programming to set up her first webinar program. When we met, I showed her how to use systems she already had to get the same result at no cost. She told me I should tell everyone about this! Here’s what she emailed me:

These processes and systems are learned through trial and error and very time consuming.  My web developer did not have a solution so I called GoToWebinar and they suggested an integration package which my developer was going to charge for installing, testing, etc. (only because this app is new to him).

So Ellen, with your fine advice, I saved some $. Your technical expertise shared in a coaching scenario like ours provides a great ROI.

You can do only so much by yourself. You can:

  • Write blog posts
  • Do social media post
  • Send out emails

But it will take a very long time for you to reach enough people if you don’t work with others.

Partnerships are the secret of highly successful marketers Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein