Use webinars to grow your list, reputation, and bank account for free!


Free webinars? But doesn’t InstantTeleseminar charge at least $47/mo? Doesn’t GoToWebinar charge $99/mo minimum?

Aren’t they complicated to set up?

I want to tell you about a free webinar option for you that’s easy to set up and use!

Why use webinars for your business?

Tinternet marketing-webinarshe way I see it, you should be using webinars for your business for 3 reasons:

  1. Build your list: Free webinars attract lots of people! By marketing a free webinar, you can add hundreds or even thousands to your list. If you can get others to market the free webinar as well, you can multiply your results. I’ve done various free webinars that added 1400, 1900, and 3,000 people to my email list.
  2. Build your reputation: When people attend your webinar, you are the expert. Just the fact that you are speaking increases your reputation. If you organize a series of webinars with other experts and you are one of the speakers, your perceived level of expertise rises to that of the other speakers.
  3. Build your bank account:Webinars are a great sales tool. Unlike a phone call (teleseminar), a webinar includes a visual component. Lots of research has shown that images are more powerful than words to persuade people. Marketers report that their conversion rate goes up when they use webinars over teleseminars.

What’s the free tool?

It’s called Google+ Hangouts On Air. You can do live video or screen-sharing. You can speak to as many people as you want.

Here are some other benefits:

  • Your webinar is automatically recorded and posted on your YouTube channel and on Google+
  • You can embed the webinar on your website.
  • And did I say it’s free?

Join me for a free Google+ Hangout On Air about how you can use webinars to grow your list, your reputation, and your bank account.

When: Wednesday, October 30th at 11am PT, 12n MT, 1pm CT, 2pm ET.

Where: Sign up here.

by Ellen Finkelstein

Extend your reach with webinars


How do you reach more people to tell them what you have to offer?

  • You can use SEO and content to attract people to your website. Truth be told, this method takes a long time to be effective, especially if you’re in a competitive field.
  • You can use ads. That can be expensive.
  • You can use social media to attract people. Social media  can be very effective, but it can be time-consuming to engage people enough.

Many marketers recommend speaking to get the word out. Speaking can be very effective, but has some drawbacks:

  • It may require travel, which is expensive and time consuming
  • If you live in a small town, there may not be many local opportunities to reach a big audience. (I live in Fairfield, IA, a town of 10,000 surrounded by farms.)
  • Finding places to speak can be challenging.

internet-marketing-webinarsWebinars are online speaking opportunities. You don’t have to travel, you can speak to people from all around the world, and it isn’t hard to get people to attend.

In this post, I’ll explain

  • What a webinar is
  • How webinars work
  • How webinars are different from live speaking & training
  • Why you might want to use them
  • How webinars are changing now Read More
by Ellen Finkelstein