How to create a 4-email sales campaign


If you’re looking to sell something, there’s a simple and effective structure you can use to create a 4-email campaign. This approach is versatile, allowing you to use it repeatedly across different platforms. I’ll outline the steps below.

First, it’s important to understand that a sales email campaign doesn’t have to consist solely of dedicated “solo emails.” You can integrate your campaign into other emails or even adapt the structure for social media. For example, you can post a shortened version of the first email on social media, then follow up with subsequent posts, gradually sharing more information about your offer.

Email 1: Introduction and story

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Are you promoting enough to make a living?


online-business-are-you-promoting-enough-3One thing I think is universal — people who aren’t making enough money online aren’t promoting products and services enough.

Are you sending out enough emails to make it possible for you to make the income you want? Yes, there are other ways to promote and make money, but without email, you probably won’t make enough.

A couple of weeks ago, here are the emails I sent out, all within 1 week:

  • 4 promotions to my Change the World Marketing list
  • My weekly Change the World Marketing newsletter
  • 2 promotions to my PowerPoint list
  • My weekly PowerPoint newsletter
  • 5 emails to smaller, targeted groups who had signed up for a specific program
The promotions are definitely selling something. The weekly newsletters include a promotion, but are mainly to provide content. The targeted emails could go both ways.
[Tweet “There are lots of ways to promote and make money, but without email, you probably won’t make enough. #emailmarketing #promotion “]
And this list doesn’t include autoresponders that go out to individuals automatically based on when they subscribed or bought a product. Those could provide information, promote a product/service, or both.

Do you struggle with making an offer?

If you struggle with the idea of making an offer to people, you can’t make a living. You need to get over it. Nicole Dean recently wrote in a Facebook group, “People are trusting you to give them great recommendations.”
Your subscribers really do want you to give them great recommendations. And if you don’t email your list regularly, you’ll lose them and have to start over. For more information about that issue, read what  I wrote in a blog post called, “Don’t ignore your list!

Let’s have a discussion about this

If being afraid or unwilling to promote to your subscribers is something you’re dealing with — or if you just procrastinate or never get to it — let’s talk about it. Leave a comment about your experience. And please use the Share buttons below, because this post could help a lot of people!
by Ellen Finkelstein

Your newsletter should be quick and easy


Young Woman Sitting in Front of a Computer and LaughingRecently a colleague mentioned that she had stopped sending out a regular newsletter because each one took such a long time to put together. When she sent out newsletters in the past, she got fantastic open rates.

I had a client who had a similar problem–the newsletter took so much time that she rarely sent one out.

[Tweet “Your newsletter shouldn’t be a big project!”]

Your newsletter shouldn’t be a big project!

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Don’t ignore your list!


online-business-dont-ignore-email-list-1Over and over, I hear people who want to have a successful online business tell me that they have a list of people in some email provider account but haven’t emailed them in months. They are rebranding or focusing on something else or didn’t have time or whatever.


Ignoring an email list is like walking past diamonds on the ground. There’s no excuse for it. Nurture your list because it’s the basis of your business.

If you have other issues that arise, drop back to emailing them every month. Invite others to guest blog post and send out an email about that. Find an old blog post to email your subscribers about. Really, you can keep your email list alive with a few minutes a month.

And sometimes I see something just as bad. The person wants to make some money or is asked to send out a promotion for someone else, so the first email they send to this old list is a sales letter. Bad!

What happens when you don’t email your list

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Integrate email with your online marketing — 1 solution — Constant Contact


constant contact-lee starshineI’ll come right out and say that I don’t use Constant Contact, but a friend and colleague of mine, Lee Starshine, does and she has been representing them for several years. This is a guest blog post by Lee.

Constant Contact has updated its service to include more than just email and I think you’ll find this type of bundled service interesting. Integrating email with other aspects of a marketing campaign can help streamline your operation and give you more control.

What is an “online marketing campaign toolkit?” Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein