Tell, teach, touch to persuade and convert readers


online-business-persuade-and-convert-1Let me tell you a brief story. I recently gave a solopreneur feedback on her website. I had signed up for her autorespondeer and was getting amazingly thorough and detailed information from her on how to set up an online business. I suggested that she was giving away too much and could use webinar courses to give out that information — making her some money, But she told me…

Before I finish that story, I’ll explain something about content.

Yes, you want to give a way free content, but people don’t only want information. they want results. Too much information can be an overload and it’s hard to understand and implement everything on one’s own. That’s why people pay for courses and coaching, which provide a lot more support for actually putting techniques and strategies into action.

Make sense?

Do you overload your subscribers with information? If you aren’t helping as many people as you’d like and aren’t making as much money as you’d like, maybe it’s time to analyze your entire business model to see what you should give away and what you should sell.

On the other hand, do you feel overloaded yourself? Have you read countless free downloads and autoresponders without implementing the knowledge that was in them? Or spent hours trying to glean one useful technique from an avalanche of content?

Maybe it’s time to stop trying to get information for free and start finding someone who can guide you to implement solid business techniques and strategies to move your business forward.

How do you feel right now? Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein