6 quick ways to increase your sales right now


online-business-6-ways-increase-income-now-1When you have an online business there are many “touch points” and you can use them to increase sales. You can use these touch points to make offers and automate the process of marketing your products.

Here are 6 ways that you can increase your sales right now.

  1. When people subscribe, they see a page that tells them to look for the confirmation email. You can usually customize that page. Add an offer to a low-priced product there, with a discount.
  2. After people confirm (the double opt-in procedure), they may again be directed to a page . That page will usually have the link to your free download. Add an offer there as well.
  3. If you deliver your free download via an email, add an offer there, too.
  4. Your autoresponders can also include product offers. For example, on one of my websites, I offer 5 tips in 5 autoresponders, spread out over 10 days. Each tip comes from a different product and I offer a discount for that product right there in the email. I’d start with a low-priced product. I’ve seen websites that go from subscribing me right to offering a $497 product and it feels pretty uncomfortable. You can go to more expensive products in later autoresponders.
  5. When you sell a product, include a free offer for another product — one that would be a logical next step. You can bundle (zip) the product with other documents that make the offer. You can also include an offer within the product. For example, the last page of an e-book can provide a discount code for another product.
  6. Your offer doesn’t have to be for your product if you don’t have many. You can include affiliate links to products that others sell.

Know all of your touch points

Make a diagram of how a person signs up for your email list and gets your free download plus autoresponders and product sales. You might find more places where you can make offers.

Do you have other ideas for inserting offers at touch points? Leave a comment!

by Ellen Finkelstein

How to create a successful newsletter: Part 1-Set up a list


Have you read my free download “Your Master Plan for Creating an Internet Business?” (If not, use this link to get it.) Step 6 is “Set up an email service and web form.”

In this post, I explain how to set up your email service and create a webform so you can subscribe visitors to your website. If you have already done this, you’ll find next week’s post more applicable to you, but scroll down here to see if you’re using autoresponders to your best advantage.

If you haven’t set up a list, webform and free download, you should take care of this now! It’s an essential part of creating a successful online business.

I’ll be covering the topic of how to create a successful newsletter in 4 parts:

  1. Part 1: Set up a list
  2. Part 2: Design your visual layout and content structure
  3. Part 3: Use your newsletter to sell
  4. Part 4: 3 BIG mistakes to avoid

internet-marketing-successful-newsletter-set-up-list-part1-1Can’t you just have a website?

Yes, sometimes people just see your website and immediately purchase a product or service. But that’s rare unless they’ve gotten a great recommendation from one of your existing customers or they’ve read about you in an article. Most Internet marketers say that email is the way they make most of their sales.
Usually, you’ll use email to make an offer to the people who are subscribed to your list and that’s how you’ll make most of your money. So, having an email list is very important.

How do you get people to read your emails?

Some Internet marketers just send out marketing emails and get away with it, but this strategy doesn’t work for most people.

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by Ellen Finkelstein