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kae-wagner-photoKae Wagner is a marketing and branding expert, with 20 years of experience in the offline and corporate world as well as the online world. She now works mostly with consultants, coaches, and entrepreneurs.

Kae helps her clients succeed by creating consistency in marketing. She a coach but also conducts amazing workshops in which attendees go away with documents specific to them so they can easily implement their goals. She has built a community of entrepreneurs who partner together to grow their businesses.

Watch the interview here. It’s about 12 minutes long. Below the video is a text summary.

And Kae has two free offers for you, so don’t forget to check them out at the end!

Who do you serve, who are your clients? 0:47

My clients are primarily consultants, coaches, and entrepreneurs. All of these people need to understand and use marketing to grow their businesses.

What is their problem, their need, and what are the symptoms of that problem? 1:25

The main symptoms — there are problems! — is that they’re just not gaining traction in their business. Everything they thought was happening is just not happening. There’s a lot of misunderstanding about what they need to do. They feel lost, not knowing where to go, not having a plan. Now that we’ve had this huge shift to online, there’s so much marketing noise. So the people we serve don’t know who to listen to. There are a lot of opinions out there. Now, I look for proven best practices. Opinions come and go. A lot of consultants, coaches, and entrepreneurs don’t know the basics of marketing. They hear these fantastic stories — OMG, this person just got 1,000 followers from an Instagram post and now they’re off to Instagram. They go back and forth and back and forth.

They don’t really realize what’s involved in growing and scaling a business.

I would say that the biggest problem is that they think marketing is a thing that they check off their list. They promote and then they’re done and it just doesn’t work that way. It’s the hardest job in your business because you can’t cross it off your list, there’s always one more email to send… By not doing those things consistently, they don’t grow and they flounder.

What are the common mistakes people make or obstacles they face when trying to solve that problem on their own – or with others’ solutions? 5:00

Not paying enough attention to their messaging, to how they present their program or solution. That’s not only in terms of copy but also how you pull it all together — having consistency of messaging.

I also think people don’t understand the effective use of branding.

When people have an aversion to marketing and don’t know what to do, they do a little of this and a little of that and never gaining momentum.

What is unique about your solution that helps people avoid those mistakes or overcome those obstacles so they can finally solve their problem? 6:35

The overarching theme is to take what is a big problem and chunk it down. Marketing is strategy, tactics, and execution. We break it down with the workshops we offer and they’re very specific about a tactic, such as a workshop of lead generation or how to create your magnetic personal brand. I also do 1-on-1 and group coaching.

Being able to follow a path, have a checklist. When you follow a checklist, you have a path of best practices to follow.

What is one high-impact free action that you recommend that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem? 8:30

One action is to do an exercise called “validation calls.” This doesn’t cost anything but is probably the best time you can take to find out more about your market. It’s like a survey but you’re digging into the mindset of the buyer. Buyers make decisions based on a whole context. What’s the trigger to make somebody buy? Those calls will open your eyes to what people think when they go to buy.

What is one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that will further help with that problem? 10:20

I have two. One is a free download called, “Five Steps to Expand Your Brand and Create Massive Awareness.” That walks you through creating your brand, how to promote it, how to pull it together.

Download it here.

I would also invite everyone to join us at the X2 Forum is an hour-long session that we do every Monday at 4 pm Eastern and it’s free. We always address specific marketing topics. We have a Facebook group that goes along with that. It’s really about the higher, strategic aspects of marketing, how you go about using marketing. It’s fun, we do experiential learning.

Register here. Remember, this is free!

Next steps

Get “Five Steps to Expand Your Brand and Create Massive Awareness” here.

Register for Kae’s X2 Forum here.

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