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Nicole DeanNicole Dean is the co-owner of Coach Glue, along with Melissa Ingold. They develop and create done-for-you content, tools, forms, and training to help business coaches to make more money, run their businesses smoothly, and still have time to live the lifestyle they dream of. Another expression for “done-for-you” is Private Label Rights, meaning that when you buy the content, you can (and should) edit it, call it your own, and do almost anything with it — give it away as a freebie, sell it as a course, use it as part of a membership program, and so on.

In this 18-minute interview, Nicole talks about how she helps coaches avoid the overwhelm of creating enough content both for their clients and for marketing. Below the video, you can read a summary of what Nicole says and also get the links to her two great free offers:

  • A collection of 17 forms to use when onboarding a client
  • A free coaching program called “7 Ways to Add More Subscribers to Your List this Month”

Who do you serve, who are your clients?

At Coach Glue, we serve business coaches who are starting up or who want to leverage more, they’re getting burned out.

What is their problem and what are the symptoms of that problem?

They know they need to create content, not only for visibility, but for opt-ins. They also need things further in their funnel, like tripwires, group coaching programs, or high-end signature coaching. They think about that and start to get overwhelmed. So they do some research and get more overwhelmed and nothing gets done and they get a roadblock. Eventually, they get burned out.

What are the common mistakes people make or obstacles they face when trying to solve that problem on their own – or with others’ solutions?

With other people’s solutions, they may not be getting good material. They try to outsource content and pay too much or get bad quality. Or they feel they have to create everything by themselves. Or they overthink everything and get overwhelmed.

What is unique about your solution that helps people avoid those mistakes?

We create done-for-you content — coaching forms, blog posts, journals that they can give their clients, a ton of business planners (Instagram, funnels, coaching programs, etc.), group coaching scripts and worksheets, and full courses, including the content, sales page, marketing materials. It’s all created by our team — we’ve been around since 2010.

What is one high-impact free action that you recommend that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem?

Look at your most popular blog posts and Facebook posts and use those in other ways, rather than creating new material. Either monetize those or see how you can talk about similar topics — you could create a YouTube video or do a Facebook Live.

What is one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that will further help with that problem?

We have a free done-for-you coaching program and free coaching forms.

The free coaching forms are a collection of 17 forms to use when onboarding a client. Get them here.

The free coaching program is called “7 Ways to Add More Subscribers to Your List this Month” and Nicole calls it a “Teach Your Tribe Package.” Get it here.

What’s the one question that I should have asked you that would give great value to our audience?

Business coaches want a list-building program, social media stuff, productivity, how to create a course — those things are basic and standard. So coming up with your own material, including the content and marketing material — is really unnecessary and you can still create something unique and impactful for your clients. I see people taking a year and it still isn’t done.

There’s no reason to sit there by yourself, getting frustrated and feeling like you aren’t enough.

Take the content and dig in and make it your own flavor.  Use your OWN examples. Showcase results you’ve gotten or something a mentor did. (Then tell that person about how you showcased it.) Talk up your clients. I love case studies — add them to your course.

Change the colors if you want. Use the pieces that make sense for you.

Next steps…

Pick up Nicoles free offers — they are amazing:

The free coaching forms are a collection of 17 forms to use when onboarding a client. Get them here.

The free coaching program is called “7 Ways to Add More Subscribers to Your List this Month” and Nicole calls it a “Teach Your Tribe Package.” Get it here.

Also, please leave a comment and share this with your friends!

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    2 replies to "Interview with Nicole Dean-Avoiding Content Creation Overwhelm"

    • Gary Nichols

      This is awesome! I clicked the links to the freebies and I believe those packages will help me out a lot. Thank you!

    • Louise Hamilton

      “I see people taking a year and it still isn’t done.” – this is so true for me. I need to get around to making my own products but I just don’t have the time between taking care of our kid and having a full-time job. When will I ever start building my business? PLR materials really help!

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