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amy-harrop-headshotIn this interview, Amy Harrop explains how she helps her customers create products fast using resources and tools that were, until fairly recently, not easily available.

Watch the 10-minute video interview to discover what you can do to bring in more income by creating more products. You’ll also get tips for reducing overwhelm and finally getting started.


Who do you serve, who are your clients? 0:26

My customer is anyone who is using content to make money or for content marketing to grow their audience. Some are doing printables and print-on-demand. At first, I was working mostly with authors, but I realized there was a bigger need.

What is their problem, their need and what are the symptoms of that problem? 1:37

Some people are overwhelmed. They don’t know how to get started and they don’t know how to be consistent. I’m a big fan of doing small things consistently. Also perfectionism — getting something out there that will reach your audience is important.

What are the common mistakes people make or obstacles they face when trying to solve that problem on their own – or with others’ solutions? 2:51

Sometimes people don’t know who their audience is. It’s important to put together your audience avatar–otherwise, it’s hard to put together the right content. And often they don’t make a plan to follow so they try 5 things and abandon them because it’s too overwhelming.

What is unique about your solution that helps people avoid those mistakes or overcome those obstacles so they can finally solve their problem? 3:53

I do have a lot of training out there. There’s a lot of technology that wasn’t available a few years ago. For example, everyone can self-publish now. I make people aware of resources they can use that previously were available only to big companies. Now anyone can build an online income using content.

What is one high-impact free action that you recommend that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem? 5:15

Everyone has something to offer and with a short brainstorming exercise, you can identify 3-5 problems you see that you can solve. These can be in any niche. Sometimes people think that their expertise doesn’t translate to doing something online, but it does translate; it just takes a bit of thought and creativity.

What is one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that will further help with that problem? 7:45

I have a great freebie on how to take advantage of a great resource that people often misunderstand or don’t know how to use and that’s Private Label Rights (PLR) content. PLR has become very popular in the past few years — you can get done-for-you content. In this freebie, I go into detail into what PLR is, how you can use it, some of the misconceptions, and how anyone can use it in an ethical and appropriate way to grow their business.

Download it here.

What’s the one question that I should have asked you that would give great value to our audience? 8:45

I just want to encourage everyone to find your space online. We need your insight and wisdom. Don’t let the technology get you down!

Next step

Get “The Ultimate Guide to Making Money With Rebrandable Content” — Amy’s proven formula.


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