In this interview with Melody Widgahl of PLR of the Month Club, Melody explains Private Label Rights (PLR), which is pre-written content that you purchase with rights to edit it and call it your own.
Why use PLR? It’s a way to speed up your business growth. And, as Melody explains, it can give you a structure for inserting your own content.
Listen to the 10-minute interview for more!
Here’s a brief summary of the interview:
1. Who do you serve, who are your clients? 0:30
Originally, it was other content creators, but that has broadened to the self-help and self-development coaching niche.
2. What is their problem, their need and what are the symptoms of that problem? 1:55
A lot of them have the knowledge in their head but the problem is getting the knowledge out there so they can make a living. They are not content creators so putting their knowledge in a format they can get out to their clients can be a problem for them. Using our products can cut their content creation time by up to a year!
3. What are the common mistakes people make or the obstacles they face when trying to solve that problem? 3:46
Number 1 is the pure barrier to entry — getting the knowledge into digital format. Number 2 is perfectionism — paralysis of analysis.
4. What is unique about your solution that helps people avoid those mistakes or overcome those obstacles? 4:50
We have rights that are more flexible than most. A lot of PLR is more restrictive — you can’t sell it to other content creators. Within the coaching space, they use content created by other coaches, so they need resell rights.
5. What is one high-impact free action that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem? 5:45
We have an entire line of “lead magnets.” These are a mini-version of our big planners and they’re very inexpensive. That content creator or coach can quickly give out soundbites of their expertise. We have several of them for free on our website.
6. Can you give us one valuable free resource? 8:23
At, you can get a gorgeous digital planner for free. Check it out!
Plus we have a coupon for your readers, ellensfriends that gives you 25% off anything in our shopping cart and it can be used twice. To use it, go to and click PLR.
7. What question should I have asked, but didn’t? 9:23
People need to understand that with PLR, you don’t have to change it 100%. You want to put your own spin and brand on it but you don’t have to change it completely. You can use PLR to build your list and your brand as well as use it to get your own work out there faster.