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internet-marketing-successful-newsletter-sell-part3-1In the previous 2 posts in this series on successful newsletters, I talked about how to design your visual layout and content structure and how to set up an email list.

In the end, the goal of your business is to earn money. Yes, you want to change the world and make it a better place, but you need to earn money while you do that.

So eventually, you need to use your newsletter to sell. In fact, you’ll probably find that your newsletter is the best way to sell your products and services.

Here are 5 ways to use your newsletter to sell.

Include a promotion in each newsletter

If you do nothing but sell in your newsletter, people will soon unsubscribe. This is why you need a regular newsletter with valuable information in it. Week after week, people will learn from you and come to see you as an expert.

But you can include a promotion in your newsletters — usually at the end or in the right-hand column. It could be a product of the month or just a random choice from among your products.

It will help a LOT if you offer a discount code for, let’s say, 15% or 20% off. Sometimes, you could offer a bigger discount, such as for a product that you are phasing out.

I do this in my PowerPoint Tips Newsletter and it brings me a regular income.

Your shopping cart will have a feature that lets you create discount codes. I recommend ending the discount after a set time. You could say that the discount ends at the end of the month. When I remind people that this is the last week for the discount, I get a bump in sales.

Send a promotion-only email

About once a month, send out an email that is just promotion. Save it for big events, products, and packages. You’ll have to judge the right frequency, based on your audience. If it’s an event, add a last-minute reminder. if there’s a recording, send an announcement about the recording being available. Again, deadlines help.

Packages help a lot. For example, I sometimes do a series of webinars and offer 5 for the price of 4. I was surprised to find that most of my sales were of the package, rather than of the individual webinars.

If you’re offering a service, you could offer 5 sessions for the price of 4.

Use your autoresponder

Your email service includes an autoresponder — sometimes called a drip campaign. Usually, an autoresponder is a series of emails that go to a new subscriber after a set number of days or weeks. For example, when someone signs up for my PowerPoint Tips Newsletter, that subscriber gets 6 emails 2 days apart. Five of those emails include a discount offer for a product of mine.

You should use your autoresponder to develop a relationship with your new subscribers. Provide some bonus content or products. But you can also make an offer; just make it a soft sell.

Offer free events that lead to a product

People love free information and many marketers offer free webinars that end with a pitch for a product. You can use your newsletter to invite people to the free event. If you also use social media, you will actually add to your email list this way. If you collaborate with others who also invite people to the free event (usually as affiliates, but not always), you’ll add even more people to your list. Free events are a great way to not only make sales but to grow your list.

Have multiple lists with multiple free products

I’m a firm believer in having multiple free products — ebooks, reports, videos. Some — but not all – email services let you have multiple webforms that sign people up for multiple lists. You can then send out your newsletter to all the lists at once or choose to sometimes send out a promotional email that is focused on the interests of one of your lists.

Do you have a question about how to grow your list or use it to sell your products or services? Leave a comment!

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