How we increased opt-in conversion from 25% to 40% by unchecking a checkbox
This is all about testing your opt-in pages and increasing opt-in conversion.
I have an opt-in page for my weekly Star Power Half Hour webinar series. Conversion is pretty high because most people who get to the page were referred by one of the upcoming speakers, who is someone they know.
The opt-in page has a video in which I welcome people. I had it set to start automatically. It starts with some loud music–drums–and then I start speaking. Do you hate it when a video starts automatically? Do you sometimes immediately close the tab when that happens?
A couple of months ago, I looked at the conversion rate and it was 25%. Here’s how I figured out the conversion rate:
- I got the number of unique visits from Google Analytics for the previous 30 days
- I got the number of subscriptions in my email service for that list for the previous 30 days
- I divided the subscriptions by the visits to get the conversion rate.
For example, if 100 people visited the page and 25 people subscribed, my conversion rate would be 25%. In fact, that’s what the conversion rate was. (I don’t remember the exact numbers that got me to that conclusion.)
I wanted to increase the conversion rate and had a thought that the Auto-Play video might be turning people off. So I asked my Marketing Assistant to change that setting. You can see the Auto-Play setting in the above image. She just unchecked the checkbox.
The following month I did the same calculation and guess what? Read More