How to succeed in marketing-interview with Mostafa Hosseini


mostafa-hosseini-photoMostafa Hosseini helps coaches, consultants, experts, and heart-centered entrepreneurs achieve business growth with his 1-page Simple Marketing Plan.

His program, Simple Marketing Formula helps clients create a goal and then a plan to achieve that goal. He believes that your success depends on having a specific goal and a plan to achieve it.

Listen to this 12-minute interview to learn more…

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by Ellen Finkelstein

How to Make Your Website a Success for Your Business–Interview with Kurt Scholle


This is the first in a series of video interviews with successful experts in helping you create a profitable online business.

Kurt Scholle is a Digital Website Strategist helping clients increase their Return On Investment and make their websites more profitable and easier to manage. He’s been helping clients get better results — and keep their website safe — for 25 years.

Below the video, you can find the questions I asked (and when) with brief answers.

The video is 18 minutes. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

Finding your “why” is overrated


online-business-why-is-overrated-1I see lots of programs on finding your “why.” This means that you should figure out why you are in business, the deep-down real reason that motivates you.

The idea is that when you know why you’re doing something, you’ll have a deep motivation that drives you to action.

This is a big thing with coaches. It goes something like this.

Why are you in business?

To make more money.

Why do you want to make more money?

So I can improve my life.

Why do you want to improve your life? What would your ideal life look like?

I would be able to take more vacations. I’d be able to give my family the things they want. I could donate money to causes I believe in.

Why do you want those things?

To make my family happy, to make others happy, to make me happy.


Supposedly, when you “realize” this, you’ll be more successful.

Really? I don’t think so.

I know this is controversial.

I think we all know that we want money for the happiness it might bring — and by the way, money doesn’t bring happiness.

The insidious side of this

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by Ellen Finkelstein

You only need these 3 things for an online business yet many miss out


onlinep-business-3-things-online-business-needs-1An online business isn’t that complicated. You only need to accomplish 3 things, yet I see many people not able to keep up. Here are the 3 things you need — and I’ll explain each in more detail:

  1. An audience
  2. A relationship with your audience
  3. Offers to put in front of your audience


It doesn’t sound so hard, does it? But I see online entrepreneurs having problems with all 3 areas. This is important because if you miss the mark in any one area, you won’t have a thriving business.

Look for the links in each section, because I’ll give you resources to help you throughout.

Problem #1: Not building your audience

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by Ellen Finkelstein

How to work at home productively and happily


online-business-work-at-home-1I’m writing this just as many people here in the United States and also around the world have started to work from home.

They are the lucky ones, of course, because many others have simply been laid off or lost their customers. My heart goes out to them and I hope the situation will return to normal as soon as possible.

But for those who are “teleworking,” it occurred to me that my experience of working at home for the last almost 30 years could be helpful.

Similarly, there are many online entrepreneurs who have figured out how to work at home (with or without children) and still be productive and happy.

Why and how I started working at home

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by Ellen Finkelstein