Secrets for growing your list, getting clients, and selling from your LinkedIn group


Do you belong to any Facebook groups? How about LinkedIn groups?

Have you created any Facebook groups? LinkedIn groups?

On both platforms, groups are a very powerful way to:

  • Meet new people
  • Get clients and customers
  • Subscribe people to your list
  • Invite people to your events

Most people with an online business are familiar with Facebook groups, but I find that many are not using LinkedIn groups and they’re missing out.

Advantages of LinkedIn groups

Imagine if you had a Facebook group and you could actually send an email to the members! Well, you can in LinkedIn, up to one per week. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

How to have an active presence in social media without wasting hours a day!


online-business-social-media-without-wasting-hours-1In a recent survey, I asked, “What else is important to you to make your online business more successful?”

One reply was, “Have an active presence in social media without wasting hours a day!”

Do you feel like you fall into the social media trap? Down the rabbit hole?

Lots of people have the same experience. They start out with a list of things to do and one of those things leads to Facebook and then, hours later, they’re still on Facebook and nothing on the list is done.

Frustrating, right? Not productive, right? Not good for your business, right?

Let’s focus on Facebook, the biggest time sink!

I want you to pay attention to this piece of advice because it will save you hours of time each week. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

7 post types that get the most shares and links


online-business-7-post-types-1A main business purpose of writing a blog post is to get it shared and linked back to. (Another is to get subscribers and customers/clients.)

So which post types should you write so that more people will share it and link back to it?

Two online organizations, Moz and BuzzSumo, combined their knowledge and data to analyze the shares and links of over 1 million blog posts. Wow! You can read the full article here.

Here’s a summary of the results: Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

Create video social media posts in 5 minutes or less


You probably know that social media posts with images are shared more than posts with just text.

According to this article in Hubspot, tweets with images receive 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets. Also, posts on Facebook with photos saw the most engagement, accounting for 87% of total interactions.

But what about videos?

According to’s recent analysis of 1 million posts, videos are more likely to be shared than any other type of post except for lists.

What if you could create 1-2 second videos — and you could create them in 5 minutes or less?

These are easy to create in PowerPoint — yet I don’t see anyone doing this. So far, I’ve used them just for birthday wishes, and received lots of positive “likes.” Now, I’m going to use them for business and I’m going show you how to create them, too! In fact, I’m going to make it REALLY easy for you by giving you templates.

1. Engagement post

The video you see above is a typical “engagement” post. It contains an image and a quote or question. The only difference is that it’s animated.

Here are the steps to create this from scratch. The steps will vary slightly depending on your version of PowerPoint. I’m using PowerPoint 2013. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

Create pre-written tweets for your readers to send


online-business-prewritten-tweets-1An important way of getting more visitors and subscribers is to persuade your current visitors to share your posts with their followers. You can make it easy by providing clickable buttons that they can use to quickly share your content on social media.

The most common way is to have Share buttons below (or above) your posts. I use the WordPress plug-in Sharaholic and you can see those buttons below this post. Go ahead and use them!

Another technique is to provide pre-written content. You can’t do this for Facebook, but you can for Twitter. I use a WordPress plug-in called Click toTweet. It creates pre-written tweets for people to send. You can see it below. To install it, follow these steps:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, choose Plugins> Add New.
  2. In the Search Plugins box, type Click to Tweet.
  3. Choose one of the plug-ins; there are several.
  4. Click Install Now.

If you haven’t installed a WordPress plug-in, see my instructions at “Install a plug-in to engage your blog readers.”

Here’s the Click to Tweet box! Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein