How to take a screenshot, resize an image, and insert an image in Word and WordPress



Working with images is essential for an online business. Images are a powerful way to show people what you’re talking about — text isn’t enough. You need to know how to create, edit and publish images.

Two coaching clients recently asked me — both on the same day — how to insert an image on a WordPress page and in a Word document

They had 3 specific needs:

  • Take a screenshot
  • Resize the image
  • Insert an image on a WordPress page (including adding a hyperlink to it) and in a Word document (including wrapping texxt around it)


I must admit I was surprised that this wasn’t common knowledge but they were struggling with it, so I put together this blog post.

How to take a screenshot

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Get high-quality images at an unbeatable price!


online-business-photos-1I found an amazing deal on stock photos and since I bought a plan, I’ve been using the photos almost non-stop.

It’s called Stock Unlimited (that’s an affiliate link; if you buy, I get $10) and what’s so special about it is the lifetime plan — unheard of in this business!

They don’t have as many photos as some of the big names, which have millions. But over 600,000 is good enough for me. And there are also vector files, which are a treasure.

The photo you see here is one that I used in a collage of photos in another post about images, 4 Secrets to Choose the Best Images. You’ll see that I reversed the image there.

As I’m writing this, the lifetime price is $89. Really, now that I paid for it, I feel like they’re free, because I’ll never have to pay again!

Images are SO important for your marketing, so check it out here!


Do you have a website where you buy images? If so, where do you go? Share your resources with others!


by Ellen Finkelstein

How to increase sales and engagement with powerful persuasive slides


online-business-use-images-1.jpgWhether you’re giving a live presentation or a webinar — or creating a video — you’ll often use slides. And the slides that you show to people matter!

You can choose to create boring slides or instead create powerful, persuasive ones. Which will you choose?

The power of images

Over 40 years of research has shown that images trump text. Images

  • Help people remember more
  • Help people understand batter
  • Are more persuasive

You see how professional marketers use images on commercials, on billboards and in magazine ads.

Use the Tell ‘n’ ShowSM technique

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Grow Your Online Business: Day 21 (Ultimate Blog Challenge) Technology to use for creating passive income


hoa-screenshot-cropped210x121When it comes to creating products, you need to use tools for recording and editing video or audio files. Personally, I write so much about PowerPoint and graphics, that I stick with video so I can show readers what I’m talking about. For that reason, I rarely use audio files, except to insert them into video.

Here are the tools that I recommend. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

I recommend Power Up for Profits by Kathleen Gage

Kindle version

In February I attended the NAMS Workshop (as you may have read, if you’ve been following my emails for a while). It’s a semi-annual conference on Internet marketing and I’ve become a fan.

One of the keynote speakers was Kathleen Gage. I had heard a teleseminar of hers years ago and never forgot her, because she has a powerful presence (even over the phone).

During the conference, her power was even more apparent as she urged everyone in the audience on to greater success. I bought her new book, Power Up for Profits, which she autographed.

I took it home and read it. I used a highlighter and found lots of valuable tips and techniques, even though I’ve been running an online business for over 14 years. But even more than that, I was impressed with Kathleen’s genius for marketing and publicity. She offers detailed information plus inspiration.

You will get a lot out of this book, no matter what your experience and situation.

Chapters 1-5: Kathleen starts by talking about marketing strategy and discovering who your market is and what it wants.

Chapters 6-8: Next, she covers creating information products, developing a list, and blogging.

Chapters 9-13: In these chapters, Kathleen covers a wide gamut of marketing, including article marketing, press releases, social media and testimonials.

Chapters 14-17: Here, she talks about the value of teleseminars and webinars, partnerships, interviews, and video. I talk about these topics often (except for interviews); here, here (on webinars), here, here, and here (on partnerships), and  here, and finally here (about video).

The book closes with some powerful inspiration. I highly recommend that you buy this book.

Buy the Kindle version here.

Buy the print version here. (These are affiliate links.)

Have you read Power Up for Profits? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought of it!

by Ellen Finkelstein