How to avoid Shiny Bright Object Syndrome


Again and again, I meet people who are spending all their time looking at offer after offer, plan after plan to make some money online, yet not sticking with anything. 

They attend several free webinars a week. They buy program after program. Someone recently told me he had spent $100,000, his entire life savings, on programs and still didn’t know what to do next.

On one hand, it’s nice that you’re an optimist, always believing that the offer in front of you or the new strategy you just heard about will be THE THING that will help you make money and meet your goals.

On the other hand, you never finish or implement any of the offers or strategies but just keep on going from one plan to the next.

Is this you?

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by Ellen Finkelstein

How to overcome fear of speaking–interview with Marjorie Saulson


headshot Marjorie SaulsonNamed both Top Speaking Coach of the Year and Top Motivational Speaker of the Decade, Communication Confidence Coach Marjorie Saulson is still going strong at 80 and intends to be the most fabulous 100-year-old babe you ever met!

Author of the #1 international bestselling book, Empowering Business Owners to Overcome Speaking Fears Whether You’re Talking with 1 Person or 1,000, she is also one of 50 women (including Oprah Winfrey and Melinda Gates) who are contributing authors to the book,  America’s Leading Ladies – Stories of Courage, Challenge, and Triumph.

For over 40 years Marjorie has coached reluctant speakers to find their voice, overcome their fear of public speaking, and communicate with confidence and skill so they can reach their professional goals and make an impact in the world.

Watch the video here. You can read a summary of the interview and get the link to her free offer below the video. Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein

Which tools do you need to build an online business?

Recently, a client of mine bought a product that she didn’t need. She didn’t need it because she already had a similar product, one that did the same thing. But she didn’t understand that and I realized that she wasn’t clear on the building blocks of her online business — what each piece was for. In her case, she bought a page builder when she already had one.

What are the major Building Blocks of an online business?

Building blocks An online business has what I call Building Blocks. The major ones are:
  1. Your website, with an optional “page builder”
  2. Your email service provider
  3. Your shopping cart with a merchant account and gateway to process credit card payments
  4. Your social media accounts — I won’t cover these in this post

Secondary tools might be a webinar service, a pop-up form creator, an appointment calendar, and any number of other possibilities.

Just like toy building blocks, you fit the pieces together to make a strong infrastructure for your online business. For example, you…

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Interview with Amy Harrop — Creating Products Quickly


amy-harrop-headshotIn this interview, Amy Harrop explains how she helps her customers create products fast using resources and tools that were, until fairly recently, not easily available.

Watch the 10-minute video interview to discover what you can do to bring in more income by creating more products. You’ll also get tips for reducing overwhelm and finally getting started.


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by Ellen Finkelstein

Authors! The Quick Book to Business Method


I once read that 80% of Americans would like to write a book. But for those that complete that goal, the results are often not what they hoped. John Kremer, one of the top experts on marketing books and author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, says, “The average writer in my experience probably makes less than $100 a year in ebook sales.” And even at $1 per book, that’s only 100 books! He also says you should write lots of books.

Yes, with a lot of promotion, you can do better, but to make serious money, you need to turn your book into a business. Each book you write can become a new stream of income.

How do you do that? By making a free offer in the book and creating a funnel of offers so that readers turn into customers for your products and services.

Authors! The Quick Book to Business ModelI’ve co-written a book with Connie Ragen Green, a wildly successful online entrepreneur and author, that we named Authors! The Quick Book to Business Method: Turning Your Book into an Ongoing Revenue Stream.

In this book we explain: Read More

by Ellen Finkelstein