How to work at home productively and happily


online-business-work-at-home-1I’m writing this just as many people here in the United States and also around the world have started to work from home.

They are the lucky ones, of course, because many others have simply been laid off or lost their customers. My heart goes out to them and I hope the situation will return to normal as soon as possible.

But for those who are “teleworking,” it occurred to me that my experience of working at home for the last almost 30 years could be helpful.

Similarly, there are many online entrepreneurs who have figured out how to work at home (with or without children) and still be productive and happy.

Why and how I started working at home

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by Ellen Finkelstein

Reach more people with your blog posts


online-business-reach-more-people-blog-posts-1Blogging is important for several reasons:

  • It shows your expertise and that can translate into sales
  • People can find your posts by searching and that brings new people to your website
  • The more valuable content you have, the more the search engines and other websites will send people to you

But you shouldn’t just blog and leave it at that because you won’t reach enough people that way, at least in the short run. It takes a long time to build up points with the search engines and other websites.

Promote your blog posts widely

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by Ellen Finkelstein

How to take a screenshot, resize an image, and insert an image in Word and WordPress



Working with images is essential for an online business. Images are a powerful way to show people what you’re talking about — text isn’t enough. You need to know how to create, edit and publish images.

Two coaching clients recently asked me — both on the same day — how to insert an image on a WordPress page and in a Word document

They had 3 specific needs:

  • Take a screenshot
  • Resize the image
  • Insert an image on a WordPress page (including adding a hyperlink to it) and in a Word document (including wrapping texxt around it)


I must admit I was surprised that this wasn’t common knowledge but they were struggling with it, so I put together this blog post.

How to take a screenshot

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by Ellen Finkelstein

How to create a quote box or meme in PowerPoint


online-business-create-quote-box-powerpointYou’ve probably seen many “quote boxes,” sometimes called memes, on social media. These are boxes that contain an inspirational quote. Usually, there’s an image or background behind it.

Why should you post quote boxes? To engage people, make them think, and inspire them.

And guess what? The quote doesn’t have to be from someone famous. You can create your own quote! You can also ask people questions.

Invite people to comment, answer, discuss.

Here’s a 6-minute segment from my video course PowerPoint for Marketing Graphics where I show you how to create a quote box in PowerPoint. (I just discovered that the quote is from André Gide, not Christopher Columbus!)

It’s just 1 custom graphic you can easily create for your business without paying lots of money to a graphic designer. In this short video, you can imagine the tremendous value the full course offers!

Check it out here

Click here to read more about the course, and to order!

by Ellen Finkelstein

Speakers! Use speaking as a marketing strategy-interview with Katrina Sawa


katrina sawa on speakingSpeaking is one of the best ways to meet potential clients and customers, to grow your list, and to make sales. I interviewed Katrina Sawa, who helps entrepreneurs jumpstart their business. A major strategy she uses and teaches is speaking as a marketing strategy.

Watch my 15-minute interview with Katrina Sawa in which she tells you:

  • How to use speaking as a marketing strategy
  • How to get started speaking right away
  • How many talks you need
  • What to Google and which sites to visit to find places to speak
  • How to sell when you aren’t allowed to sell at a venue (this one is brilliant)
  • How to create “easy yes” offers — and how to price them


Get her free audio, “Jumpstart Yourself as a Dynamic, Sought After Speaker” here.

Don’t forget to pick up her free audio, “Jumpstart Yourself as a Dynamic, Sought After Speaker” here.

Do you use speaking to grow your business? Leave a comment and share your story! And please use the Social Media buttons below to share this post with others who can benefit.

by Ellen Finkelstein