Growing a list can be hard and can take a long time!
I’m now used to having large lists. On my site, I have 2 lists–one is about 7000 and the other is about 8000. But I’ve had that site for 12 years now.
So, how do you start from scratch? That’s what I’m doing with this site.
Over the next few months, I’ll be working to grow my list and I’ll tell you what I do. I’ll let you know what works and what doesn’t . You’ll be able to follow my path to grow your list, too!
Why grow a list?
Remember that a list is for sending email. Email is one of the most powerful ways you can connect with people who care about what you have to offer. In the end, your list is the way you make money, while making the world a better place.
How do you get from 0 to 1?
As I’ve already discussed in my post, “Why you need a prominent web form on your website,” you get people to sign up in your web form. You offer them free information in electronic format (free report, video, etc.) in return for their email address.
But when you’re just starting out, no one knows your website exists, so how do you get people to come and sign up? You have to tell them!
Start at home
Start by telling people you know–your friends and colleagues. Ask them to tell their friends.
I started by offering an Internet Marketing course in my home town. I put up posters and emailed a few people whom I thought would be interested.
About 26 people came to 2 introductory lectures and I accepted 12 people. But I asked the rest if I could add them to my email list and they said yes. Over the next few days, some people called saying they were interested and had missed the lectures, so I offered to put them on my list, too.
Find groups
I had some online groups of friends, so I announced my new website to them. A few more people signed up. I also once organized a local group, Women with Websites, and I emailed them. That added 2 more people.
Now I’m up to 39 people.
Not much, is it?
But I have a list of 9 steps to take to add to the list, plus a big idea coming up later.
So watch for future blog posts and I’ll continue to tell you what I do and track my numbers.
What has worked for you?